We survived our long week! : ) I actually had a really good time in all the workshops I went to! It's a lot of fun being back in a "professional" setting again after not being in one for so long! I also got really excited to start teaching, one day! I learned a lot of things I could definitely use in my classroom and a lot of things I can use as a mom as well!
The most interesting thing that I learned that I can also use being a mom is the visual concept, or the lack thereof, of the words NO and DON'T. Let me explain: When you say to a kid "No hitting!" What do they visualize? They visualize hitting someone! They can't visualize not hitting someone! So instead of saying "No hitting!" you should say something like, "Please keep your hands to yourself!" because they can visualize that! It's the same thing with DON'T if you say "Don't throw your food!" they only visualize throwing their food instead it's better to say something like "Please keep your food on your plate!" so they can visualize what your saying!
I don't know if you find that as interesting as I do, but it's very true even with adults, so I'm trying to reword the way I say things to Emeri so I don't use the words NO and DON'T so much!
(Just thought I would share that tid bit of information! I thought it was very insightful! )
Being away from Emeri this past week was definitely hard, but I had a much better time then I thought I would at the workshops and really enjoyed myself! Thanks again Mom and Alex for watching Emeri!
As much fun as Emeri had with Grandma and Aunt Alex she was so happy to just be home with Mom and Dad yesterday! She was such a happy baby all day! Her and Braeden had way too much fun being super silly and playing!
Braeden had some homework he had to work on yesterday and all Emeri wanted was Dad! So... they worked together! : )
We went outside to play for a bit, but it was pretty chilly so Emeri and Braeden wore their jackets and hoods to play and I thought they looked like a very cute pair! (I thought it felt great outside because of the little heater inside me! No jacket for me! )
Emeri laughing at Dad trying to get her on the slide!
Emeri and Braeden dancing on the playground trying to stay warm! : )
I think this picture captures Emeri's little attitude!
I LOVE THIS PICTURE! : ) and I LOVE THESE TWO VERY MUCH! : ) I love everything about them especially their "cheese faces"!
I'm glad we had a family day yesterday! We all had such a long week! We had such a fun day all day and to top it off Kathy came up and watched Emeri so Braeden and I could go on a date!
Thanks again Kathy! : )
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