Look at Emeri sleeping on Braeden at church last week! I couldn't help but take a picture! She is so stinkn' cute I can hardly stand it sometimes!! : )
Monday, July 25, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
"Grandma Janet" Chair!
Ok... so... in November of last year Braeden's Grandma (Grandma Janet) came down from Canada to visit for Thanksgiving! While she was down here she found the perfect "Grandma Janet" chair for Emeri and couldn't help but buy it for her even though she was still cooking! Now you have to realize that this "Grandma Janet" chair is very velvety, rhinestoney, pinky, girly, and froofrooy! I am none of these things, so it wouldn't be my first pick for a chair that I would put in Emeri's nursery, but Grandma Janet is all of these things and we love her very much so to have Grandma Janet's influence around Emeri is a great thing!: )
Ok so to the point... When we went up to Canada just a couple weeks ago we stayed with Grandma Janet and she spoiled us (especially me : ) ) like crazy, so to say thank you for everything I got Emeri's pictures taken in the "Grandma Janet" chair and found the best "Grandma Janet" frame that I could to surprise her when we got there! And It was a hit!
Here is the Crazy "Grandma Janet" frame that I found! It worked perfectly!
And her are the darling pictures that we got of Emeri in the "Grandma Janet" Chair!
Thank you again Grandma Janet for everything you did for us while we were up there visiting! We really appreciate you and we are so blessed to have you as a Grandma! Love you "Grandma with the Pink Purse" : )
Oh and yes these pictures were also taken by the amazing Camilla just like Emeri's 6 months pictures! Camilla is a great photographer go check out her website here to to get more information! I highly recommend her work! (thanks camilla for being so patient and working over time to get these pictures for us before we left you are the best! : ) )
Friday, July 22, 2011
6 Month Pictures!
Holy Cow! I can't believe my baby is so big! ![]() |
This is so appropriate! She is defiantly our little skunk!
aka poop machine!!! : )
My friend Camilla took these pictures for us. She has recently set up a little studio inside her home and she needed some models to promote it so I volunteered Emeri! : ) It worked out perfect for us because I was going to set up a 6 month shoot for her anyway! And didn't they turn out so cute? I was super impressed especially because we woke Emeri up to take these pictures so she was super super tired! Thanks Camilla for taking these for us! We love them! (If you want any more information about Camilla's photography skills click here. She is awesome and has lots of great creative ideas!)
At the beginning of this month we had the opportunity to go visit Braeden's family up in Canada! (Thanks Kathy : ) ) We drove to Edmonton, Alberta which is an 18 hour drive and Yes... Emeri was with us! She did AWESOME in the car! The 36 hours that we were in the car she probably fussed for a total of 30 minutes. (I know she is amazing : ) )
We did lots of fun things while we where there and here are some pictures of the fun memories!
We went swimming with Diana and her two cute girls Ivy and Cora
Emeri playing with Braeden
Emeri going down the BIG slide with Braeden
Look how cute they are! : )
All the little girls (with water smudges on the lens!)
Emeri fell asleep in Grandpa's Chair with her feet up on the arm! Man she is so cute!
We played with Karen's kidos at the park
Emeri's crazy hair from the sunscreen!
They loved playing in the sand with Kathy!!!
Braeden and Toren being too cool for school! They didn't want to go in the sand! BOO HOO!
Everyone say cheese!
Silly faces!
Toren being homeless!!! (all the kidos thought this was hilarious!)
In Edmonton they have the largest Mall in North America and it is huge! Inside the mall there is an amusement park, an aquarium where they do seal shows, there is a hockey rink, and a water park. Oh and we cant for get the millions of stores they have there! We went shopping one of the days we were there and we only got through like a 16th of the mall! It's enormous!
Here's some pictures of the little ones at the water park!
Emeri playing Grandma Janet's piano!
Say cheese!
Four generations picture!
Grandma Janet and Emeri!!
Road Tripin'
On the way home we stopped in Cardston and I got to see one of my college roommates, Kim! She made us dinner and we had a nice chat! It was so nice to see her it had been well over 2 years since the last time!
And she got to meet little Emeri!
This was the funniest thing ever!!! When I saw Braeden sleeping like this I couldn't stop laughing! I woke up the whole car!
Is this trip over yet!!
We did lots of fun things and went to lots of fun places, but my favorite thing on the trip was getting to spend tons of time with Braeden! I was super bummed when we got back and it was time for him to go back to work! : (
It was so nice spending time with the "Canada family" we don't get to see them very often and it was the first time any of them got to met Emeri! Thanks for all the fun memories and taking such good care of us while we were there! We love you all! And miss you tons!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Emeri's Getting Teeth!!!
Emeri's 2 bottom teeth have cut through!!! The teething process hasn't been too bad. We have had a couple rough days and a couple rough nights, but I'm sure it could be a lot worst!
If you look close you can see her two little bottom teeth in the picture! I LOVE this girl! : )
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