Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We Have an Artist on Our Hands!

Since it was rainy outside today Emeri and I stayed inside in our pajamas all day! (It's nice to have an excuse for a pajama day every once and a while! I think I might find an excuse too often though : ) !) But just because we were inside doesn't mean we didn't have a fun day! WE DID FINGER PAINTING! Emeri LOVED it! 

It started out a little something like this...

 Then she discovered she liked painting on herself... 

She also tried eating it, but discovered very quickly that wasn't a very good idea...

 Then she rubbed her eye and got paint all over her face...

And it ended a little something like this... 

Once I decided it was time to clean up because she was dumping the paint out of the bottle instead of getting it out with her fingers (I was afraid it was going to end up on the carpet and I didn't want to find out how "easy" washable paint is to get out!)  she through a fit! She painted for a good hour and a half, but she was not ready to be done! 

We will have to do more finger painting soon because we have an artist on our hands! 

Here are a few of her creations! 

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