Thursday, May 3, 2012

Plug Your Ears!

We live near the Air Force Base so we always have airplanes flying by! Today, I don't know what they were doing, but starting at a very early hour the F-16s started going and it seemed like they didn't stop until late in the afternoon! I don't know if you have every heard F-16s, but they are VERY LOUD so loud it feels like your brain is getting squeezed when they fly overhead! 
This is what Emeri thought of them while we were on your walk this morning! hahaha! : ) 
 (I just want to make it clear that I'm not complaining about the airplanes, sometimes it is a little much for my head to handle, but I appreciate all those that serve to protect our country!)
 : ) 


I finished this tonight to replace the Easter wreath on our door! I found the idea on Pinterest and put my own spin on it! I think it came out quite nicely! I'm excited to see it every time I get home! Spring is the best! : ) 

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