Tuesday, July 3, 2012

104 Degrees

On Sunday night Emeri got really sick all of a sudden. She had a fever of 104, she was throwing up, she was getting the shakes, and the really scary part she was having a really hard time breathing. 
Her breathing was so labored that every time she took a breath you could see her little ribs from her trying so hard to get air! : ( 
I hate when my baby is so sick! 
My mom use to tell me when I was sick that if she could take the sickness away from me and give it to herself so I didn't have to suffer anymore she would just to make me feel better and I feel he exact same way! 
I wish I was the one sick and hurting and not her! 
We headed to the doctors office at 11:45 pm! The doctor saw us immediately and the only explanation he had for us was that she had an ear infection, but he wanted to do some blood work to make sure nothing else was going on! 
So we headed over to the ER for some lab work! I can handle when Emeri gets shots and I thought I would be fine when she was getting her blood drawn, but it broke my heart! I had to hold her on my lap, while Braeden held her little arm still, and the phlebotomist dug around in her arm for the vain! 
It was so sad! 
It brought tears to my eyes because I knew she was wondering why we were holding her down while someone hurt her! Poor thing! 
Despite the screaming, there were very few tears! She was so brave! 
I hope we don't have to do that again for a very long time! 
Her blood did come back with a high white blood cell count, but I believe that was because of her ear infection!? 
I feel like we left with more questions than answers because an ear infection doesn't explain why she was having a hard time breathing! 
Even though the doctor didn't tell us this I think I have figured it out!? : ) 
I think what happened was that she got an ear infection which caused a really high fever which in turn caused her to throw up and have a hard time breathing! That's my theory! I don't know if it's right, but that's what we are going with! : ) 
So after the 2 doctor visits, the trip to the ER for lab work, and getting her antibiotics to start ASAP we got home at a bit before 4 o'clock in the morning! When we got home Emeri got another fever an hour later, but once that fever broke we were all able to sleep until 9! 
It was a very LONG night which made for a very long day yesterday because we were all trying to catch up on the sleep we missed! 
Like every other mom out there I was thinking the absolute worst (like a helicopter ride to Primary Children's), so I'm grateful that all it was was an ear infection and that she is feeling all better after catching up on sleep yesterday! 

Emeri and Daddy sleeping while we were waiting for Emeri's lab results! 

Finally relaxed and breathing well enough to sleep! 

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